you got famous after that! congratulations, also i have favorited you
im here to share some cool movies! make you lolz for a bit ;)
Age 34, Male
coach. weird, huh?
San Diego
Joined on 7/9/09
you got famous after that! congratulations, also i have favorited you
I got popular for sure. But I don't think I'm famous at all :3 thanks for the complement :D
hey in stick man 4 whats the music called that you used at the very end
the xylophone one? or the SCF theme? because i have no idea what the xylophone music is called. i downloaded it off a free loops website
I agree with DarkAlmighty i also cant's wait for part 6!
I'm on SCF4 right now, haven't finished it yet, but I was wondering: once I get done with my own animation, could you introduce my character into the series?
Oh, I have an idea for the introduction of my character: have the black stickman dude try that eyepoke thingy on him, and when he stomps the ground, use your favorite WTF-boom scene and have the black stick fly into the camera right as the laughing starts.
I have my project in progress at eb75b664239, and a possible theme song at
Sorry, didn't mean to triple post (well, now it's quadruple post, but whatever), at the times I posted those, I had only just thought of those things to say.
the links you put here dont work.
but sorry. this series is my baby and i want to keep it as original as possible. i did the shout outs to Hyun and Egoraptor because i admire them and wanted to thank them in a way for getting me into animating. its not intended to promote products or people, sorry.
i could help you with ideas for you own video if you want though.
as Much as i wanna see number 6, just take your time man! I know its gonna be awesome :D, i have faith in you >:D
thanks bro, it might take a wile or maybe not as much. i had to balance school, work and personal life between making this animation. so now that is summer and i have LOTS of free time, it might take less ;)
Well, you've introduced characters in each specialty (elemental, weapon user, and...I guess you could say martial artist), but you've yet to introduce someone who has two or even three specialties at their disposal.
Also, I saw that part on the links not working. Try for the .fla and for the song. If nothing else, the song can be used.
Thanks for getting back to me, though, I appreciate that.
well, PV uses weapons and abilities. and according to Rood, its rare to see someone who has all 3. so thats why :3
not having a super powerful stick-figure is key to the series, because every crappy stick-figure animation DOES have one
That's why I suggested my character, because it's rare. However, just because he has all three doesn't mean he's super powerful. There's a reason why I don't have Virsteinn breaking the sound barrier constantly.
thanks, but no thanks. i have lots of stick people already planned out for future episodes ;)
All hail Guitan11! ahaha lolx! =3 cant wait for the SCF6 I have a feeling that it would be awesome! So take your time on doing it,no rush haha =) oh and thanks for replying on my pm's!
no problem. i love replying to any messages that are sent to me. i answer to EVERY MESSAGE
scf 1 2 3 4 5 is so funny XD
thank you very much! i try really hard...... actually i tried really hard starting from #2 the first one it was just a thought that came to mind one day :3 after the incredible surprise that it got the front page, people wanted a sequel, and the series was born :3
started watching 2 days ago and i love it! i hardky ever see animaters like this on newgrounds and ive been on here for over 6 years! keep up the good work!
i really appreciate that. specially coming from a veteran newgrounder.
It's a really amazing series, with a fresh new take on a classic idea.
Love your work, and can't wait for 6!
Thanks for the support :D it's gonna be tough to top this one, but I'll try my best ;)