LETS DO THIS! the "Stickman Can't Fight 4" project has started! lets see if i can pull this one off in less than two months :3 meanwhile, keep writing me reviews and critiques. those are the biggest help when i want to know how make my animations better :D
under this is a small pic of two pages of the storyboard :P maybe once you see the finished product you can tell where this part is from :D
The guy's name below me tells all about his, so don't mind him. From the drawn pictures i see you added weapons and some sort of magic to your story. That will definetely keep the story changing and interesting.
You know, it would be funny if the main character would find chests like from Legend of Zelda, which contain weapins from other games like the Big Daddy drill or plasmids from Bioshock, or a hidden blade like from Assassins Creed.