Meery Christmas! 2013 has drawn to a close and this year has been great for me as an animator and internet... person? with the release of two SCF episodes (ONLY TWO!?) and some other side projects this year has been a huge learning experience for me as an animator and as a content producer. the quality in my work has gone up by many levels, i have a solid and consistent team helping me and i have all of you people! boys and girls, men and women, people i force to share and watch my stuff... thank you all. and here is one last illustration for the year 2013 But what's in store for next year? well more SCF for sure! i want to get to the season finally this year. (there are seasons?) deppending on how things go for the next couple of episodes i will continue or maybe switch focus to other things. there will be also more short animations that have nothing to do with the SCF series like the Christmas cartoon that is currently in the front page! (woot woot!) but yes, things are looking up! i thank God for giving me this oportunity to express my self and to work in things that i love doing (although i do it for free.... no mony for poor ol' Guitan) and i thank you all again :)
The next year will be amazed at how furiously you'll jump onto it, doing work.