so a couple of things, in the past post i revealed the deadline for the next episode of the "Stickman Can't Fight" series which is august 20, 2012. and i have been hard at work. but here are a couple of updates.
1) i got a livestream going on.
doing livestreams actually has helped me stay focused on animating. since you can see what im doing, it stops me from wasting time on facebook or youtube, or even newgrounds :P my account is on "justinTV" this is the link it also allows me to see what you guys think as i make it. and a big shout out to my buddy Essam Jastania who helped me set up the livestream and spend around 3 hours walking me through the process (im not really tech-sabi when it comes to software)
2) the animation process for "SCF6" is around 60% done.
the main visuals are almost done, but no audio or backgrounds have been added yet. last episode i bumped up the FPS to 22 and its been working for me, but now that i have had more practice with it, the visuals look smoother! yay smoother!
3) lastly the close ups are getting a face lift :D
on the last post i mentioned the new computer, since this bad girl (she is a girl, i named her "Glados") has a lot more power, i have actually redrawn some of the already added close ups in the next episode, so look forward to some sweet looking stickfigures :D
here is a picture showing Rood and his two friends "azzurro" and "Cheng-se"