im here to share some cool movies! make you lolz for a bit ;)

Age 34, Male

coach. weird, huh?

San Diego

Joined on 7/9/09

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guitan11's News

Posted by guitan11 - December 24th, 2013

Meery Christmas! 2013 has drawn to a close and this year has been great for me as an animator and internet... person? with the release of two SCF episodes (ONLY TWO!?) and some other side projects this year has been a huge learning experience for me as an animator and as a content producer. the quality in my work has gone up by many levels, i have a solid and consistent team helping me and i have all of you people! boys and girls, men and women, people i force to share and watch my stuff... thank you all. and here is one last illustration for the year 2013   

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/guitan11/merry-christmas-2013?context=ratings:etm.user:2924303.scouted:.offset:0 But what's in store for next year? well more SCF for sure! i want to get to the season finally this year. (there are seasons?) deppending on how things go for the next couple of episodes i will continue or maybe switch focus to other things. there will be also more short animations that have nothing to do with the SCF series like the Christmas cartoon that is currently in the front page! (woot woot!) but yes, things are looking up! i thank God for giving me this oportunity to express my self and to work in things that i love doing (although i do it for free.... no mony for poor ol' Guitan) and i thank you all again :)

Posted by guitan11 - December 13th, 2013

Christmas has arrived and my first real-no-stickfigure-related animation has been uploaded to newgrounds! this is the fastes i've worked on a cartoon being that it took me a month to do this one (thats fast to my standards, ask anyone) and im really pleased with the results. check it out by clicking right http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/6301042924303_138692808731_StealingChristmas2.jpg  

the year is now over and i really want to thank everyone who suported me and pushed me to get to where i am. i want to also thank my two new team members that came out of no where, yet they really added so much to my work. thanks Matthew and Elissa! This 2014 we will be back and ready to bust out with new content!  thank you EVERYONE! Chris "Guitan11" Uriarte  

Posted by guitan11 - November 12th, 2013

so after finishing SCF 8 i have now turned my attention to Christmas. its my favorite holiday and a cartoon is in order to celebrate the occasion. this cartoon however, will NOT be a SCF related cartoon. its my first real attempt at full body animation. so get ready for it. it should be out by the first week of december :3

in other news, if you havent seen SCF8 you should definetely check that out! Here it is for newgrounds


Here it is for youtube

Christmas is coming :O

Posted by guitan11 - October 16th, 2013


thanks to everyone who has waited and has supported me so far. this next episode shows the growth that has happened in between episodes; and im really exited about it! so thanks to all involved, thanks for waiting and hope you like it, give it a look right here!! Stickman Can't FIght 8


Posted by guitan11 - October 4th, 2013

So the wait for the highly anticipated (by like 4 people) episode of the SCF series is almost over! if you want to check out what its coming your way check out the trailer ;D


Posted by guitan11 - September 24th, 2013

so its been a wile since I've updated you guys on what is going on with the next episode in the "Stickman Can't Fight" series. well i would like you to know that I'm not dead, the series is not dead. no one i know has died. and although it is not official, the deadline is coming up. stay tuned for the episode trailer coming up hopefully this next week.

also, i wanted to just look back on to episode 3 and the first appearance of Rosa. since her debut back in 2011 she became a key character in the series. 2 years later she has almost reached that look that i envisioned for her since i made her up. finally my skills at drawing girls caught up to what i had planned :P see kids? practice makes hotter stickfigure females XD

updates on SCF8 and a little extra :D

Posted by guitan11 - August 8th, 2013

last week i uploaded part 1 of my first tutorial and i have now uploaded part 2. so give that a lookie look :3

as far as SCF8 goes, there has been little progress. the fights are mostly done, or planned out. we will start recording voices soon and work on backgrounds is next in the list. so although process is kinda slow, its still going forward :3

Posted by guitan11 - July 31st, 2013

Hello everyone. im here with and update on what has been going on with me lately. so school, work and personal life has been awesome in slowing down production on "SCF8" but thats not nesesarily a bad thing. at least for me, personally. i've been streaming the progress and have been making short but steady advances.

now, the big one: I MADE A TUTORIAL

Its a flash tutorial as to how i make a fight combo. i got asked a couple of times to make one and said "why not" hopefully you all enjoy it, and who knows, maybe someone might find it really helpful.

here is the video for all of you Newgrounders :D

Posted by guitan11 - June 29th, 2013

the release of SCF7 was good. i got positive feedback for the most part. in case you havent seen it just clicky-click right here in this link Stickman Can't Fight 7

I also uploaded my first RHG battle, a battle that i totally won ;D you can go see it right here in this link: RGH Battle

and now producction has started on "Stickam Can't Fight 8" i will be working on making up for mistakes in past entries and enhansing on what i already know. with more action, more laughs and more of Rosa getting angry ;)

this new episode will be different from the rest in the sense that im changing the structure a bit. hopefully making things flow more naturally. i have a livestream channel where you can check to watch me make this cartoon in real time :D (crazy technology) and also my Facebook page where most updates are posted.

MY livestream channel: Livestream
My Facebook page: Facebook page

lastly, here is a picture of black in this new episode. exited? i am :D

SCF7 was good RGH battle was good. now lets make SCF8 AWESOME!

Posted by guitan11 - June 4th, 2013

hello my dear followers of the way of the stick! i hope you have enjoyed SCF 7 and the rest of the series as it has been developing. it is a joy and apleasure to make those animations since they always bring a new challenge.
speaking of challenges, i was challenged to an RHG battle. i had never partaken in something like that, but i thought it would be a cool experience, so i accepted. if you want to see what i did just click right HERE to watch it.

if you want to see Frajto's submisson for this RHG battle then you can watch it right here

Thanks for watching! and leave me a comment telling me what you liked and what you didnt like